MUST SEE: Instagram Account Features Breathtaking Travel Photos

Do you like looking at beautiful photos of exotic places? Okay … that’s a silly question. Of course you do! That’s why you need to check out this Instagram account called, “Beautiful Destinations.”

The account features breathtaking photos of the world’s best travel destinations. When you scroll through the gallery you will find photos taken in Italy, Greece, Hungary, Austria, New York City, and the list goes on and on. What makes this account so special isn’t the fact that it shows off beautiful cities from across the globe. Rather, it’s the amazing photography. These travel photos are filled with striking colors and are taken from unique perspectives. Check some of them out for yourself:

Travel photos

Beautiful Destinations Via Instagram

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Beautiful Destinations Via Instagram

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Beautiful Destinations Via Instagram

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Beautiful Destinations Via Instagram

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Beautiful Destinations Via Instagram

Some of these travel photos are taken by in-house photographers. Others are features from other Instagram users. To submit your travel photos for consideration just post a photo using the #beautifuldestinations.

The Beautiful Destinations Instagram account was founded by Jeremy Jauncey in 2012 and now has more than 5.2 million followers. If you are as obsessed with these photos as I am, make sure to check out Jauncey’s other accounts. He has galleries that display gorgeous hotels, delicious food, and luxury living. Taking all of his accounts into play, Jauncey has a total following of around 8 million!